Bed Bugs, Bed Bugs, Bed Bugs, They’re Back!
The news media recently has been reporting that Bed Bugs are back! Marquee Pest Management, however, has been seeing a steady increase in this pest over the past six to eight years. Marquee has been dealing with them successfully for [...]

If you reside in Alameda, Fremont, Hayward, Milpitas and surrounding cities of the bay area, we at Marquee Pest Management are the GREEN company for you. Marquee has always been a GREEN company or as we like to say “we [...]

Yellow Jackets (Wasps) Love Late Summer BBQs and Picnics
As the summer season moves toward autumn in Alameda, Fremont, and surrounding cities the Yellow Jacket population becomes abundant. And having an outdoor picnic or a BBQ can become bothersome or even painful when these little yellow guys (actually females) [...]

Spring may have past, But ‘Springtails’ are Still Present
In Alameda, Fremont, and surrounding cities, Springtails are occasional home invaders. Springtails populations can reach huge numbers, up to 50,000 per cubic foot. This tiny ( 1/16 to 1/8 inch in length ) wingless pest, light brown to cream in [...]

Bad Weather Makes Happy Pests…Be Aware
In the San Francisco, Bay Area of Northern California, Fremont and surrounding counties have experienced a very wet winter, and it looks to be a very buggy spring and summer with all the additional moisture from the rains, so if [...]

Mosquitoes… abound and around
Now that the weather is warming up in Fremont, this is a very good time to check your property for any standing water sources that the pesky little critters can [...]

Cockroach in San Jose
This is my pet cockroach. They've been living in my office for about 5 years - all self contained environment.

Pest Control for Fremont
We have seen a lot of orchards, hillsides and old shopping centers turned into new home development in Fremont, which leads a lot of new pest problems. Our company, Marquee Pest Management, Inc., has been over three decades experiences [...]