Aphids in Fremont are tiny insects, 1/8” or less in size, with long, spindly legs and antennae. They may or may not have wings, and can be [...]

Mouse infestations can create unsanitary and unsafe living conditions. Many diseases can be transmitted to you, your children, and your pets through the bites of mosquitoes and fleas, [...]

Cockroaches in Fremont breed quickly and adapt to their environment, making them stubborn pests to exterminate. You should contact an exterminator as soon as you detect cockroaches in your home. [...]

There are types of household moths: the food eating moth and the fabric eating moth. Food eating moths are encountered flying around food, pet food, or garbage cans. The [...]

Bed bugs are returning as a threat to the modern home. The increase of international travel has allowed bed bugs to spread at an alarming rate, even finding their [...]

Ant colonies are the most common pest problem for homes and businesses. Ants are attracted to unsecured food items, usually sugary foods, but also to meat, fatty food, oils, grease, [...]